Passive cash flow is the only effective method for getting out of debt. By now, you have probably heard all of the traditional advice about getting out of debt: Personal budgeting principles, cutting up credit cards and paying smallest to largest, debt settlement, debt consolidation...on and on and on. But even after getting out of debt which was created by borrowed money, you still have a consistent "debt" which has to be paid every single month for the rest of your life.
It is called your living expenses, and even if your house and your car and everything else are paid off, you still have to buy the things that you need to survive: food, electricity, taxes (sort of), medical insurance and clothing. All of these things create a consistent negative cash flow which is similar to the payments created by borrowing money. The only way to free you from this "debt" completely and to escape the "daily grind" is through building a solid passive cash flow.
Passive Cash Flow Strategies for Getting out of "Debt"
The first strategy of getting out of "debt" through building passive cash flow is creating some form of income stream which comes from selling a product. Selling a service does not work because you are always having to put in the time to fulfill the service or manage someone else to do it for you. Passive cash flow needs to be set up in such a way that even if you stop "working," the money keeps coming.
Of course, most income streams require some degree of maintenance, but it is possible to have income streams which continue with you only putting in a few minutes a day (or even a week) to maintain them. The good news is that once you reach the point to where you have income stream which operates this way, you have a whole new world of options open up to you.
Let us look at a few of them...
Leveraging Your Passive Cash Flow Strategies
Getting out of "debt" is only the beginning of how passive cash flow can help you to build a more secure financial future. Once you have enough passive cash flow to cover your living expenses (provided that you have already gotten your traditional debts paid off), you free up the most valuable form of capital which you have at your disposal: your time. The more spare time you have to develop plans for both building wealth and a passive cash flow, the faster you can build more streams of passive income and even become rich.
For example, instead of managing your income streams, you can hire someone to manage them for you and pay them a small wage for it. Do you think that you might be able to find someone who will agree to work a few hours a day and manage your passive income streams? Then your only task is to manage them, and you are left with all kinds of spare time to educate yourself on building more passive cash flow and creating a more financially secure future for yourself and for your family.
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